This photo "91:365 Which way do I go?" courtesy of mattbeckwith

This photo "91:365 Which way do I go?" courtesy of mattbeckwith

What is the Baptist Association?

"While the association has been defined in various ways, the simplest definition is:

a self-governing fellowship of churches on mission.

The churches comprising an association are and autonomous. They choose to unite in a partnership. While these churches are diverse, they share a common theology. Thus they are a family of churches - supporting, encouraging, and caring for one another. They also share a common commitment to carry forth Christ's on mission mandate set forth in Acts 1:8 - being witnesses of Christ in their Jerusalem, as well as to the uttermost part of the earth."                North American Mission Board, SBC


The Delta Valley Baptist Association is a network of 41 autonomous Great Commission Baptist (or Southern Baptist) congregations for the purpose of starting new mission stations and strengthening the work of existing mission stations. Our doctrinal statement is expressed in the current Baptist Faith and Message. We are affiliated with the California Southern Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention.